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The stress spectrum.

Written by First Stop Health Coaches | Sep 23, 2024 3:05:55 PM

Stress is a state of mental or emotional tension that comes from certain events. Most relate the feeling of stress as being overwhelmed, upset, frustrated, nervous, or a bunch of feelings that feel uncontrollable, negative and uncomfortable.

Stress Symptoms.

  • Low energy

  • Headaches

  • Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation and nausea

  • Aches, pains, and tense muscles

  • Chest pain and rapid heartbeat

  • Insomnia

  • Frequent colds and infections

  • Loss of sexual desire and/or ability

These symptoms related to stress are actually part of the developing stress process.


Stress Spectrum.

János Hugo Bruno “Hans” Selye CC, a research scientist, and endocrinologist, spent much of his life studying the reactions to certain stressors. As a result of his research, Seyle helped modern medicine and psychology develop the “stress spectrum."



The spectrum begins with eustress. This is a normal or healthy psychological stress that is manageable and in most cases, beneficial. Eustress can be a result of various factors and look different for each person. Seyle discovered that this type of stress could overall enhance attention. It can even contribute to positive emotions such as joy and excitement.



Beyond a certain breaking point, eustress can become too much to manage. As a result, it shifts to distress. The breaking point leading from eustress to distress can vary from person to person. This is due to different factors like personal beliefs and thoughts, family influences, genetics, health conditions and so on. As a result, each individual can shift from eustress to distress at different times.


Accumulative Stress.

For some, the slightest hiccup can throw them into distress. Whereas for others it may take a combination of events to push them over the tipping point. No matter where one’s tipping point may be, the more you know about your tipping point, the easier it is to shift back into eustress. Which is accumulative stress.

Accumulative stress is the result of small stressors adding up to larger, harder-to-deal-with stressors. For example, think of it this way. As you’re walking, you pick up a small weight, and before you got rid of that weight, you pick up another one, and another and another. Before long, you realize that you’re carrying more weight than you originally began with.

Accumulative stress can be a result of quick disruptions and obstacles. It can also be the result of small stressors that haven’t been dealt with piling up over time. No matter the cause of accumulative stress, as time passes and the stress isn’t dealt with, one may begin to experience burnout.



Burnout is considered the final phase of the stress spectrum. This is where mental and emotional stress is combined with other stressors such as physical, spiritual, financial and so on. For example, think of it this way. As you’re carrying the extra weight while walking, an earthquake begins beneath your feet and you lose your footing.

The transition from ongoing cumulative stress to burnout can oftentimes be a quick shift. It can go from ongoing unmanageable stress to paralyzing, trauma-like physiological stress. In many cases, burnout is described as immovable, numbing, disjointed, disconcerting, and life-altering.

In most cases, treatment and coping techniques can be prescribed by a healthcare professional once the type of stress is identified.