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The concept of digestive walking.

Written by First Stop Health Coaches | Sep 17, 2024 4:31:33 PM

Looking to add more movement to your day, improve blood sugar or help with digestion? Have you considered practicing “digestive walks?”


Taking a 15-minute walk after meals has been shown to significantly lower after-meal blood sugar levels. Another study found that walking after eating a large meal moved food through the digestive tract more quickly. Some people find that getting away from eating areas and doing something different helps to prevent over-eating.

Adding smaller amounts of movement to your day may feel easier than walking for a longer time.  In fact, two 15-minute walks can have similar benefits to one 30-minute walk. 


Want to give it a shot?

When planning, consider your own reality. Can you get away for 15 minutes after each meal? If not, identify around which meal you could. Can you take your dog on a walk after breakfast, walk a few blocks during your lunch hour or go for a stroll with the family after dinner? Selecting a mealtime will give you focus instead of winging it. After you have success getting into a grove, you can increase the number of days per week or even meals per day.


How First Stop Health coaches can help you!

First Stop Health coaches are here to help you reach your health goals, including for exercise! Let your health coach know if you need support around goal setting or share feedback from your own experiences with digestive walks!