Athletes that use health coaching know the value of training and investing in the practices that improve their performance. It takes work. They put in the work, and they get better and better over time. They’re coached with sayings like, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!” And a favorite, “You can’t move a parked car.”
Athletes know that the more time they invest, the more wins they’ll achieve. Winning athletes also know that they must fuel their bodies well if they want to be strong, flexible and full of energy. This helps them perform at their best.
Why do we need fuel for our bodies?
Fuel matters to not just athletes but to all of us. We all require certain and specific care. Each is designed to need and utilize certain fuel or input to achieve the desired outcome. So, the type of input determines the type of outcome. For example, when you take care of your car engine by using the right fuel and paying attention to the gauges, it’ll serve you well for many years.
If you take care of your body and provide the right care for all systems, it’ll perform all functions well. If you watch the gauges that show potential problems and treat them with care, it can serve you well for many years. Our bodies are dependent on us choosing the fuel and input to perform well, live long and avoid breakdown. Food is fuel for your body. Fuel it well. Fill the tank with foods that deliver health, strength, energy and focus.
Getting the right fuel for our bodies.
Carbs: Vegetables, fruits, and berries give you sustained energy, reduce inflammation and strengthen your immune system function. They also fight oxidation or free-radical damage.
Fats: Unsaturated fats from avocados, almonds, olive oil and Omega-3 from wild-caught fish will enhance brain and heart health.
Protein: Plants, beans, peas, poultry and fish are the best sources for muscle growth and repair.
Water: Drink plenty of water every day.
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