Cancer can be a scary topic. And it’s natural to avoid the scary things in life. So, it’s understandable if you’ve put off going to the doctor – an experience that costs you time, money and effort – to talk about your cancer risk. The pandemic, too, has prevented many from staying up to date with cancer screenings. More than 9 million cancer screenings have been missed since the pandemic began.1
When it comes to breast cancer, there are 2 important things you should know:
- It is crucial that you address your risk. Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women.2 1 in 8 will develop breast cancer at some time in their life.3 The disease affects men, too: 1 in every 100 cases of breast cancer is found in a man.4
- Taking the first step doesn’t have to be scary. With First Stop Health Virtual Primary Care, you can get answers to your breast health questions from the comfort of home. One First Stop Health patient said: “My doctor was amazing! Normally, doctor visits cause me anxiety, but not this time! 10/10!! Love her.”
Here’s how your virtual primary care doctor can help with breast health.
If your employer provides you with First Stop Health Virtual Primary Care, your personal doctor can:
- Assess your risk factors, which include age, genetics, breast density, your personal and family health history, exposure to radiation and more.5
- Help you lower your risk. Some risk factors for breast cancer are within your control! Your doctor can make recommendations related to your physical activity, weight, reproductive health, hormone intake, alcohol intake and more.6
- Order tests and screenings. Your doctor can order a mammogram (imaging of the breast) at an in-network facility that is convenient for you.
- Refer you to a breast specialist. If you are at a higher risk of breast cancer, your doctor may refer you to an in-network breast specialist who can further evaluate your breast health.
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